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Many strange and colourful words have been written about our dear friend, 'Merisi'. Countless chapters fraught with feeling. Pages and paragraphs riddled with rumbling discontent. And many a far flung accusation cast in spite. Yet, none of those words have succeeded in telling us who Merisi really is. Or why this loveable rogue has proven quite so elusive all this time.


Merisi's work is not for the timid or the faint of heart. His sidewinding plots and meandering twists and turns are often told from the perspectives of weirdos and wretches; the kind of folk best avoided on a long walk home. But whilst Merisi has captivated his fellow wordsmiths with a myriad of mind-bending manuscripts, much of the writer's background remains shrouded in secrecy. 


Some say the author first came to prominence after fleeing the travelling circus under his former alias; The Tightrope Torturer. Others suggest that he spent the majority of his youth behind bars, a petty criminal with a penchant for unpaid parking fines. We can only be sure of one thing, however. For when it comes to Merisi and his wonderful world of quarrel and chaos...


...trouble never seems too far away.


Now, once again, the writer’s words are upon us. Since triumphantly overcoming three gruelling court cases, two strict gagging orders, and more erratic identity transformations than one person could justly remember…Merisi promises to deliver something more hard-hitting, and more rambunctious than ever before. I would like to tell you all about it. It would please me greatly to divulge all. But, no. That would not be wise.


Only the best is good enough for you, my dear friends. 


And perhaps the best things in life...


...are best left unspoken.




All short stories, flash fiction pieces, and novel excerpts remain the intellectual property of  'Merisi-Authorworks' without any exclusion or exception. 


Any desired use of such materials should first be expressed via telephone or email correspondence with its original creator. Please see the 'Contact' page for further information.


Author Bio

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